Corrido Macario Romero

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Allyn's Big Apple Trip

What's a trip to Manhatten without a stop by the Temple?

Another famous statue - Allyn's first message home (by cellphone)

In April, Allyn flew to New York City (and boy, were his arms tired) with a Murray HS group to perform, and see the sights, including a couple of Broadway shows ("Phantom of the Opera" and "West Side Story').

Beauty and the Beast - June 17-26, 2009

Can you see the Cheese Grater on the right?

Can you see the guy in the hat & vest behind Gaston?

Is this a prince in training?

We're "Human Again!"

These are a few photos from "Disney's Beauty & the Beast," which began rehearsals in early April, and in which both Treyson & Blair had (mostly) singing roles. Some of you got to attend a live performance, but we'll see if we can post a clip or two online somewhere. Treyson's onstage role was Basil (one of the Spice Boys, we called him), but he was very helpful offstage, getting props & scenes ready so that the show could go on. We got rained out on opening night, and the first Saturday was a "wash" as well, but when the extended-closing night got a strong shower, everyone pitched in, dried it off, and finished up in grand style!