Corrido Macario Romero

Monday, September 13, 2010

Missionary in the field!

OK, we're playing catch-up, but most of you have been aware that Allyn (or Elder Lyon, as he prefers we call him) has been in Arizona since the end of July. He's been working hard, has had one baptism, and keeps writing home, so we think he's doing fine. Andrew & Treyson are picking up some of the slack, but that was happening last year when we had a Freshman @ Snow College; it's just continuing, I guess. Everyone's back in school now, even Kara, who started teaching Literacy back @ Parkside Elem. Jarrett is attending ABTC (Autism Behavior Treatment Center) in Draper, Treyson's @ Riverview JrHS, & Andrew's a Senior citizen @ Murray HS.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hot Fun In the Summertime

Allyn was dropped off at the MTC this Wednesday, and we've been busy ever since…

Thursday most of us went to Lagoon (Stake Day, Aggie Day) and tried to go on a ride or two, but it became obvious Jarrett was more interested in aquatic activities, so we spent a couple of hours at "Lagoon-A-Beach." Jarrett finally got more interested in rides, and rode on quite a few, some unaccompanied. Then when Andrew was done @ Camp Tracy, by various UTA means he made his way up to Farmington, where we got him in, and bought tickets so he could go on a few rides before we had to head home.

Friday afternoon Jarrett had his first session of Webelos Twilight Camp, so he attended Forestry and Nature classes (including a few mini-hikes in-and-out of the "sturdy stroller") before dinner. After that, he was to have Boating class, but since he wouldn't tolerate a PFD, it didn't seem likely to work. Then some of the lifeguards came up with the idea of two of them paddling for us in the back of a rowboat (wearing multiple PFDs), and then Jarrett & I could sit in the middle/front seats, and thus bend the rules a little that way (average of 2 PFDs per passenger…). He splashed a bit with his hands, so I think he enjoyed himself. We saw Andrew, as his camp overlaps with Jarrett's.

Saturday we returned for Day 2, which began with the Swimming rules, Buddy System, etc., and then the Swim Test. Jarrett has no problem swimming, and doing repeated laps in straight lines are not his forte, but the lifeguards pretty much let him swim wherever he wanted (a couple were the same from the boat). Kara & Treyson came poolside (and in the water, respectively) as well. After lunch we explored the Archery and the BB-gun ranges; Jarrett held a bow, but didn't seem too concerned about arrows. He then decided to climb part of the Obstacle course, and coming down was a little trickier, but we managed.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Allyn to sing Tenor Solo @

Institute Choir Concert - Spring 2010

Featuring the cantata by Steven Kapp Perry "From Cumorah's Hill" - Sunday, April 11, 2010, 7:00pm - 8:00pm @ the Ephraim Institute
(51 N 100 E, Ephraim, UT).
Allyn will be singing one of the Tenor solos.
Some of us will be driving down to see this performance.
Everyone's welcome to attend!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The picture shows an item which sits atop our mantle, which shall be opened tomorrow, Friday April 9th, by the addressee, Elder Allyn Lyon. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Allyn was up for his break two weeks ago, and had four impacted wisdom teeth removed, so he was appreciating pain meds and shakes for several days. He is back down in Ephraim/Snow College, working hard and finishing his last term there (this year). Since he decided to be a Music Ed Major (crazy kid), he won't get an Associate degree this year, but that's how it goes…Still waiting on the "call" (which may arrive this week).

Andrew sang (by special request) at the kickoff dinner for the Walk For Autism Speaks at the beginning of March. He picked "Pollyanna/I Believe In You," originally from "Earthbound" (video game), but with lyrics written later by someone else. he also performed "The Erlking" (Schubert) at the Solo & Ensemble contest this month, which is a rather difficult German song for a young singer. He sings in the Acapella Choir at MHS. He will turn 17 this month!

Treyson is back in school (their break was last week), playing in Orchestra, and his rehearsals for "ANNIE" begin this week. He is playing the Dogcatcher, but sings with the other Hooverville residents in other scenes. He turned 13 last month, but we celebrated on Presidents' Day, when we took him with a group of friends to see "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" and partied afterward…

Jarrett, who turned 10 last week, has started saying more words, including "More, please," "What is that?" and a few other things. He's getting to be a pretty big kid, but we're going to try to keep him on the GF (gluten-free) diet as long as we can, since he seems to fare better with it than without.

More later!